Frequently asked questions

Do I get an invoice when ordering a ticket?
Yes, of course. (our ticket service) produces an invoice according to European law, including VAT and every detail you need for your company.
Who’s organising ScriptConf?
ScriptConf organised by Sebastian Gierlinger and Stefan Baumgartner. Sebastian and Stefan also organize meetups like Stahlstadt.js and Technologieplauscherl. Both have been frequent visitors and speakers at conferences all over the world and let their experiences flow into the organisation of ScriptConf.
What is the language of the talks?
Everything at the conference will be held in English: talks, moderation, catering.
What’s included in my ticket?
With your purchase for the main event you get an all-inclusive ticket to the conference, including the show, food, coffee, refreshments and of course the drinks at the after-show party.
With your purchase for the workshop ticket you get coffee, refreshments and lunch. All next to an 8 hour course with our workshop host, of course.
Are student tickets available?
Yes, we have a few student tickets available which are 66% of the original price. Send us an e-Mail to office (at) and we give you all the necessary details.
Are tickets refundable/reassignable?
You can reassign tickets up until the conference itself. Let us know if it’s in the range of 7 days before the event, as we can’t change the badge anymore. Tickets are not refundable, unless we cancel the event, then you get the full refund.
I want to speak at ScriptConf! Do you have a CfP?
Other than most conferences, ScriptConf does not have a CfP. We handpick speakers and shape a line-up often months before we announce a conference date. Since we are one day, one track and want to give our speakers time for their talks, we only haven 7 slots to fill. This also means that around 70% of our program is already done by the time we sell tickets.
You see, the chances that we have an open slot are very low. However, if you truly feel like there is something missing from our lineup, drop us a line and we will consider your input. But be sure to surprise us! More than getting another “How to” do something in framework X, we love to hear case studies, research results and experience reports from projects that failed or went well (or both).
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