Next wave infrastructure - do far more with much less - Phil Hawksworth

We met Phil for the first time at beyond Tellerrand in Düsseldorf, and we immediately started talking about all things deployment, static site generators and cloud infrastructure. Over some nice Kebab and a couple of brews we discussed, shared ideas and laughed. After that, we humbly asked for Phil to be the first speaker at our event, and we are so delighted that he immediately said yes!

Phil on stage was a delight as well. You can see and feel his excitement on the topic, and his skills as a comedian. The combination is unmatched! No wonder that a good share of attendees voted Phil's talk to be the highlight of Script 2018. Phil's friendly and caring attitude, the laughs and joy he shared on and off stage rounded up the ScriptConf experience. It was a pleasure to have you!

Next wave infrastructure - do far more with much less

Recent years have seen a shift in technical architectures. Building complex services for the web used to be just that – complex. Projects might have demanded a broad range of specialist skills which could stretch even the fullest of full-stack developers. These days we have a growing number of options for how we design, build and maintain the systems which keep our web sites and applications alive.

This talk will look at ways to make use of emerging tools and services which can deliver surprisingly rich features and capabilities without maintaining expensive and complex infrastructure. We’ll talk about the benefits in keeping your stack simple, in using the expertise of others, and we'll examine the performance and security benefits of JAMstack and microservices.


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About Phil Hawksworth

Phil works in Developer Relations at Netlify, the fastest growing automation and hosting platform for modern websites.

With a passion for browser technologies, and the empowering properties of the Web, he loves seeking out ingenuity and simplicity, especially in places where over-engineering is common.

Phil’s career in web development spans almost 20 years and includes time as a Software Engineer at Verisign, an Open Source Evangelist at British Telecom, and Technology Director at R/GA where he worked with clients around the world such as Nike, Google, Beats By Dre and Samsung to bring engaging and effective experiences to the widest audience possible.

Phil on the web

Image by Juho