Building Apps with Electron - Felix Rieseberg

Sebastian first met Felix as an open source contributor to Ghost, and was both impressed by his good-natured attitude and his amazing Electron skills.
Knowing that Felix is already a seasoned speaker, we thought immediately of him when putting together the program for our conference. Needless to say, Felix proved himself to be as companionable as we knew him, and delivered one of the best live-coding talks we have ever seen. Enjoy!
JavaScript on the Desktop: Building Apps with Electron
⚡️ You might already use desktop software written in JavaScript: Popular apps like Atom, Slack, or Visual Studio Code use the framework Electron to combine the power of the Desktop with the convenince of coding for Node.js.
You'll learn how to build native-feeling desktop apps for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. In fact, we'll build a little code editor together - fully integrated with operating systems and tweaked use native code where necessary. We'll talk about the basics, advanced scenarios, and leveraging the full power of npm and Node.
(Or go to Youtube directly)
(Or go to Speakerdeck directly)
About Felix Rieseberg
Senior Desktop Engineer at Slack in San Francisco, working full-time on open source projects like Electron, npm, or Ghost. If he's not contributing, he's out in the world talking about open source.
Felix on the web